Water Heater Quote

How much does it cost to install a new water heater?

We can give you final price on a water heater that can be installed today!

Just fill out the information below to get an idea of how much it would cost to install a new water heater, including delivery and same day installation by highly rated, screened, qualified and experienced installers.

The price will include cost of the water heater, delivery, installation, all parts, materials and labor, removing and hauling away the old unit, and properly disposing it.

To get the quote and schedule a time for us to come out, please answer the following questions:

1) How many gallons is your current water heater?

(if you are not sure you can check the label on the water heater)

2) Is your water heater gas powered or electric, or propane (you have a propane tank in the property) ?

Natural Gas

Natural Gas Water Heater


Electric Water Heater


Propane Water Heater

3) Where in the house is your water heater located?

4) What type of venting does your water heater have?

Standard Venting

Standard Water Heater Venting

Power Vent

Power Vent Water Heater

5) Any additional notes/ request for the installers?

6) Select best date and time for installation:

Price TBD

Price includes: cost of new water heater, delivery, installation, all labor and needed parts and materials, removing and hauling away of old unit, warranty.

Fill out your information to get a quote for a new water heater installation.